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16 July, 2006

short break

I took a week off from helping Ryan develop the site and content to do some traveling myself. We jumped in the car Saturday morning and did not return until the following Saturday night. We didn't have a clear objective to travel by other than seeing parts of South Africa that niether of us had seen. We clocked in over 1700 kms on our old car and more dirt roads than we wish to repeat in a non-4x4. But we had a great time.

The Cape Town, Western Cape map that will be offered in shortly worked perfectly for the trip. It displayed all the roads we needed at the correct levels and helped me to log 17 geocaches while en route. I recorded tracks while out driving and hiking and will now incorporate those into the map to give even more detail.

Ryan has been hard at work back at the ranch developing the content to offer. He has made some good strides and we look forward to working with partners to offer more to everyone. Please let us know through the comments below if you have any particular ideas of needs for GPS maps in your area. We are looking for ideas, data, partners, etc.

I am posting a picture from our trip. At the risk of being 'known' now, this was taken in Graaff-Reinet at the Camdeboo National Park in the Eastern Cape. Notice my Garmin in hand. Always.....

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