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23 August, 2011

Just Mercy using the Haiti GPS Map and Kaart Data would like to personally thank Bill and Janet Montgomery who have volunteered their time, energy and money to help the people of Haiti. donated the Haiti and Dominican Republic GPS map to Just Mercy. Below is a brief story by Bill Montgomery about their cause.

Just Mercy
by Bill Montgomery

We, Bill and Janet Montgomery, visited Haiti for the first time in 2003, visiting Haitian Christian Mission in Fonds-Parisien.  We did not return till 2010 just after the devastating earthquake.  We personally bought nearly 200 tents, camping equipment, and with a nurse friend who also brought thousands of dollars of medicines and medical supplies, flew to Haiti to serve where we could.

Since then we have been in Haiti much of the time working under the name JUST MERCY.  We are leasing a house in Fonds-Parisien as a base, supporting a school in the mountains, helping individual Haitians where we can, hoping to bring the love of God to the people of Haiti in any way we can.  In cooperation with Victory Compassion out of Tulsa, we have gotten simple housing built for a Haitian couple who have taken in 22 children since the earthquake and were living without water or electricity.  We have raised the money and had a well put in for them and their community and just recently got electricity up to their property.  You can read about all of this and see photos on our website, Just Mercy

But then the cholera epidemic changed everything.  Our home in Haiti is next to the World Vision Cholera Treatment Center at the IFM mission compound in Fonds- Parisien.  Our school is in the mountain region of Pays-Pourri so we have contacts there.  The CTC next door is a four to six hour hike down THROUGH riverbeds.  As you know, people sick with cholera lose their body fluids constantly so they are contaminating the riverbeds as they come, if they even survive the arduous hike down so they are contaminating water sources as they come! 

People from the mountains called us because they knew we would try to help and told us how sick the people were getting.  We made several trips up, arduous hikes of 4-6 hours, cooperating a couple of times with other organizations to take a nurse or two and medical supplies up.  We have now set up two cholera clinics at different locations in the mountains of Pays-Pourri, one at Pensek and the other at Robia, taking supplies up on mules and people’s heads.

People can help by going to our website and donating to help support our efforts to keep the cholera clinics open in Pays-Pourri where no other organizations go, paying the nurses, helping to pay teachers at our mountain school, buying food for the school lunch program, and continuing to help the Haitian couple with the children improve their living conditions. You can click the donate button at the bottom of Just Mercy if you wish to help. 

The Haiti and Dominican Republic GPS maps have been invaluable in navigating the roads of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We want to use them to map the trails in the mountains, making waypoints so we can send others up when needed with supplies and help.  Thank you for your help.

- Bill Montgomery of Just Mercy Haiti Garmin GPS Map

Kaart Data Haiti iPhone GPS Map App Dominican Republic Garmin GPS Map

Kaart Data Dominican Republic iPhone GPS Map App

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