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18 October, 2011

Guatemala GPS Map Garmin

Guatemala GPS Map Download for Garmin Devices

The Guatemala GPS map by will give you turn by turn voice directions to your destination using a POI (point of interest), city point and/or latitude and longitude with the ability to preplan driving destinations before getting into your car.   The easy to follow instructions allow you to download and install the map into Garmin Mapsource desktop software and transfer it to your Garmin GPS in minutes.   Compatible with ALL Garmin GPS units.   Don't pay more than US$10 per day when you already own a Garmin, this is the most comprehensive GPS map available at such an affordable price!

Statistics of the Guatemala GPS Map:

•  Over 16,000 unique points of interest.
•  17,900+ kilometers of Highways, Major Roads and Residential Streets with turn-by-turn, voice guided directions.
•  All rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, beaches, volcanos, mountain summits, golf courses, parks, airports, cemeteries, etc.

Guatemala GPS Map Update History

v 3.4 | July 2012

•  Added roads, road names, POIs to Chiquimula.
•  Added roads to Zacapa.
•  Added roads to Estanzuela.
•  Improved navigation, routing, and searching.
•  Added various POIs.
•  Incorporated customer feedback.

v 3.3 | May 2012

•  Added road names in various colonias in Guatemala City.
•  Added various roads throughout Guatemala City.
•  Fixed search issue that required capital letters.

v 3.2 | March 2012

•  Added streets in Zona 18, Zona 6, Zona 13, Zona 5.
•  Added Colonia names as POIs.
•  Added roads to various colonias.
•  Added road names to various highways and major roads.
•  Fixed route to Las Lisas.
•  Changed ocean shape for Central America Mapset.

v 3.1 | February 2012

•  Added roads and road names to Zona 6 Mixco.
•  Added roads and road names to Zona 21.
•  Added roads in Southern Guatemala.
•  Added roads to Guazacapan, Santa Elena Barrillas, Chiquimulilla, San Miguel Petapa, El Ingenio.

v 3.0 | December 2011

•  Added POI's into Guatemala City and Mixco.
•  Improved navigation in Guatemala City.

v 2.9 | November 2011

•  Added POI's into Guatemala City and Mixco
•  Improved navigation in Guatemala City.

v 2.8 | October 2011

•  Reviewed and fixed oneways in Guatemala City and Mixco.
•  Improved navigation.

v 2.7 | August 2011

•  Reviewed and fixed oneways in Guatemala City.
•  Reviewed and added road names in Guatemala City.

v 2.6 | July 2011

•  Reviewed and fixed oneways in Guatemala City.
•  Reviewed and added road names in Guatemala City.
•  Added roads into Quetzeltenango.
•  Added POI's in Guatemala City, Monterrica, Hawaii.
•  Improved navigation in Guatemala City.

v 2.5 | May 2011

•  Fixed navigation in Guatemala City.
•  Fixed country border alignment.
•  Fixed river alignment.
•  Added new highway interchanges.
•  Added local roads throughout Guatemala.
•  Added over 2,000 new POI's.
•  Added urban polygons.
•  Verified map functionality while driving more than 2,000km in Guatemala.

v 2.4 | March 2011

•  Added roads in Antigua and western Guatemala.
•  Fixed oneways in Antigua.
•  Fixed navigation in west and north of Guatemala.
•  Fixed water features not displaying properly.

v 2.3 | January 2011

•  Realigned roads to and from San Marcos, San Pedro Sacatepequez, San Juan Cotzal and Mazatenango.
•  Improved routing throughout many rural areas of Guatemala.
•  Fixed error in highway 10 that caused miscalculated navigation.

v 2.2 | December 2010

•  Added roads to Puerto Barrio.
•  Added roads to Guatemala City.
•  Improved highways throughout Guatemala.
•  Fixed routing errors.
•  Feliz Navidad.

v 2.1 | October 2010

•  Added roads into urban areas around Guatemala City, El Estor, Chinaltenango, Coban, San Jose La Arada, Cunen, Uspantan, Totonicapan, Sanarate, Comalapa, Manuquib, Santa Cruz del Quiche, La Trinitaria, San Pedro, Jocopilas, Chiche and Chinique.
•  Added additional points of interests throughout Guatemala.
•  Improved search.

v 2.0 | September 2010

•  Added roads into Jalapa, Esquipulas, Conguaco, San Jose La Arada, San Jose, Villa Nueva, Escuintla, and suburbs of Guatemala City.
•  Improved highways CA1, CA9, 16, 22, 13.
•  Added multiple hotel POI's.

v 1.9 | July 2010

•  Updated and verified all highway intersections in Guatemala City.
•  Added additional oneways into Guatemala City.

v 1.8 | March 2010

•  Fixed oneway streets for routing in Guatemala City, Antigua and Quetzaltenango.
•  Improved POI search based on Guatemala City zones.
•  Added intersection search (Find intersecting streets in GPS).

v 1.7 | March 2010

•  Fixed highway interchanges in Guatemala City.
•  Added POI's into Guatemala City.
•  Improved street and POI search.
•  Fixed country search.

v 1.6 | February 2010

•  Added over 600 additional POI's into map.
•  Added local roads in Guatemala City and Quetzaltenango.
•  Added additional oneway street directions into Guatemala City.
•  Improved routing in Guatemala City.

v 1.5 | January 2010

•  Added over 4,000 additional local roads to Guatemala City and surrounding region.
•  Added one-ways to Guatemala City.
•  Added over 10,000 additional POI's.
•  Improved road accuracy throughout Guatemala.
•  Improved auto-routing in Routable version.

v 1.4 | September 2009

•  Added over 3,500 local roads to Guatemala City.
•  Added one-ways to Antigua.

v 1.3 | August 2009

•  Created both Basic and Routable versions of Guatemala map.
•  Added local roads to Quetzaltenango, Santa Elena, Jocotenango and northern area of Guatemala City.
•  Improved road accuracy throughout Guatemala on all roads.
•  Added POI's in Antigua and Jocotenango.
•  Added local road names to Chichicastenango, Quetzaltenango, Flores and Jocotenango.
•  Added names to lakes.
•  Improved road geometry throughout Guatemala.

v 1.2 | May 2009

•  Added trails to Volcan Pacaya, Santa Maria and Acatenango.
•  Added new class of roads (Local and Major split).
•  Updated accuracy of roads to Coban, Lanquin, Semuc Champey, Salto de Chilasc, and Chicabas.
•  Updated accuracy of roads to Siete Orejas, Cahabon, and Panajachel.

v 1.1 | December 2008

•  Update Highway, road accuracy.
•  Update lake accuracy.
•  Added additional local roads in Guatemala City, Chichicastenango & Flores.
•  Added local towns in east of country.
•  Added Santa Elena Airport.
•  Added POIs around Antigua & Panajachel (hotels, restaurants, museums, churches, etc).
•  Removed municipal borders.
•  Update river accuracy.

v 1.0 | July 2008

•  Created original map.
•  Highways throughout Guatemala.
•  Major Roads throughout Guatemala.
•  Local roads in Guatemala City, Antigua and Panajachel.
•  Rivers.
•  City and town points.
•  Airport points and runways.
•  Lakes.
•  Pacific and Gulf of Mexico.
•  International, Provincial and municipal boundary lines.
•  Railroads.

Other Central America GPS Available  - click on the country name below

Central America Bundle
Costa Rica
El Salvador

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