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23 March, 2014

My Travel Bucket List

Have you caught spring fever yet? I am just aching for a change of scene and variety, and that's when I start thinking about all of the places on my "must see before I die" bucket list. Here are a few of the destinations on my list. What places are on yours?

#1 - Hiking Dominica
I admit it was an episode of "Man, Woman, Wild" that first introduced me to the breathtaking beauty of Dominica, but I have learned more about it in my work with When I learned about the Waitukubuli National Trail from our Dominica GPS map I knew I had to get there someday. With 114 miles of trail there is something for everyone as far as scenery and hiking difficulty. Waterfalls, ruins, jungle, and more await discovery. This tropical paradise includes plenty of locations for beach relaxation as well as outdoor adventure and wilderness solitude. It's the perfect vacation in my book. Our GPS map includes the Waitukubuli National Trail, thousands of POI's, and road coverage for easy turn by turn navigation so don't start your travels without first purchasing the Dominica Garmin GPS map from .

Hiking in Dominica

#2 - Machu Picchu 
Who doesn't want to visit this place, really? I have since I was a kid, but I learned a few years ago through our Peru GPS map how I wanted to visit it. There are multiple trails leading to the famous ruins and each passes through its own unique vistas and places of interest. I have one of the "alternate trails" in mind for my visit. Read up on these trails here and then buy our Peru map to help you navigate your trail of choice.  

Machu Picchu

#3 - Roatan, Honduras
I spent a week in Honduras a few years ago, but never made it to Roatan.  We had an amazing time along the north coast zip-lining over hot springs which we later soaked in, and snorkeling and hanging with the Garifuna people in Cayos Cochinos , but all that only upped my desire to get to Roatan one day. Scuba diving and snorkeling at a coral reef to rival Australia, shopping, white sandy beaches, turqoise waters, and luxury at more than half the cost of most other tropical vacations - what's not to like? If you make it to Roatan there is so much on the mainland of Honduras you won't want to miss either like the Copan ruins, the Pulhapanzak waterfall,  and Punta Sal.  With our Central America map bundle which includes a map of all of Honduras (even Roatan) you can be assured you won't have to miss out on any of it. For the price of one map you get maps for several other Central American countries too so why not explore them all?

Roatan from the air

Honduras Paradise

#4 - Surfing in Costa Rica
I love water and I'm a decent swimmer so surfing has been on the to-do list for awhile, but even when I've made advance arrangements and traveled across several states to get to the coast, it just doesn't work out for me to try it. Which of course just increases the allure of the sport for me. I've wanted to visit Costa Rica ever since my high school's environmental science class went I did not, so when I learned that not only were rainforest exploration, volcanos, tree frogs, and huge iguanas all famous in Costa Rica but also surfing?! Well, it immediately became a bucket list item. If any of that sounds like the vacation you are looking for start planning your trip to Costa Rica.  And I guarantee you won't want to leave without our Costa Rica GPS map.  It is detailed and up to date with all the data you will need to get to where you want to go so you can do what you want to do.

La Fortuna Waterfall, Costa Rica

#5 - Guna Yala, (formerly known as San Blas) Panama
Guna Yala is a 120 mile area stretching along the eastern coast of Panama and includes remote islands off the coast as well. Not only are there pristine white beaches, coral reefs, and everything else to make it a tropical paradise, but this is also the one and only place you can experience the colorful culture of the indigenous Guna people. Once I've had my fill of snorkeling on my own private island and exploring the thatched roof shops of the Guna, I'll would definitely take in the rest of the Panama destinations that are on my bucket list like the Panama canal, the Pearl Islands, and the Baru Volcano. Our Panama Garmin GPS map which can be purchased in our Central America map bundles will get me and you to all of these locations and more.  Send me an email at and I'll get you a coupon code that will allow you to purchase the bundle for the price of just 1 map! You'll get Panama plus Nicaragua and Costa Rica all for $49.95

One San Blas Island in the Guna Yala region

I'm not sure if my spring fever is worse or better after pondering all of these amazing destinations, but regardless I'll keep day dreaming anyway. Let me know what bucket list destinations we have in common below in the comments. Did you add any from my list to yours? And PLEASE share all the other locations I need to add to my list so I can day dream about those too.


1 comment:

  1. So many places, so little time... Great article!
